North Carolina General Statutes require that all persons must annually list property that is subject to taxation within the time period of January 2 through January 31. The Board of County Commissioners has the authority to extend the listing period. Traditionally the Board has extended the listing period to February 15.

Real estate in Forsyth County is permanently listed and does not require an annual listing. If you have received a listing form in the previous year for listing your property, a listing form will automatically be mailed to you at the address of record as of January 1. If you do not receive a listing form and you have property which is required to be listed, it is your responsibility to obtain a listing form by contacting the Individual Personal Property Section of the Assessor's Office during regular office hours. A listing form is required if one or more of the following apply:

  • You have made improvements to your real estate during the previous year. Maintenance such as painting/wallpaper, replacements of existing structure, landscaping, etc. is not considered an improvement and does not require listing.
  • You own unregistered vehicles which do not have an active, annual, NC registration OR own vehicles/trailers with permanent/multi-year tags or IRP plates.
  • You own other reportable personal property such as boats, boat motors, jet skiis, etc.
  • You own miscellaneous non-household personal property such as tractors, horse tack, etc.
  • You own a manufactured home.

If you have purchased real estate as of January 1 or your property was reviewed for any purpose, you may receive a listing form to review the information we have on file. Please make any necessary corrections, verify telephone numbers, sign, date and return the form to our office. Failure to list within the required period will result in a penalty of 10% of the total tax levied.

If your value of real property is under appeal, you must still complete your listing abstract and file on time.

For information regarding billing and payment of your property taxes, refer to Tax Collections.

Frequently Asked Questions about Listing

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