The General Assembly enacted legislation that transferred the Divisions of Youth Services and Juvenile Services to the Office of the Governor. The legislation established the Office of Juvenile Justice and transferred all authority, powers, duties, and functions of the Juvenile Services Division to the Office of Juvenile Justice. It is the responsibility of the Office of Juvenile Justice to coordinate with county Juvenile Crime Prevention Councils for implementation of a continuum of services and programs at the community level to develop comprehensive juvenile delinquency and substance abuse prevention plans.
General Statute 143B-846 requires the Board of County Commissioners to appoint a Juvenile Crime Prevention Council prior receiving funds for juvenile court services and delinquency prevention programs.
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The law requires that the following individuals serve on or be represented on the Council for two-year terms:
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The Juvenile Crime Prevention Council, after approval by the full Council, shall submit a funding proposal to the Forsyth County Board of Commissioner for their approval.
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The Board of Commissioners encourages that every effort be made in making the "At Large" appointments to ensure that the appointees are representative of the racial and socioeconomic diversity of the community represented herein, and to minimize potential conflicts of interest by members.
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Each member shall serve a term of two years with no term limitation. Terms of appointment shall be for the fiscal year July 1 - June 30. The Council shall annually elect the Chair and Vice Chair.
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The Juvenile Crime Prevention Council may also provide leadership to focus community attention and energy on the positive and health development of children and youth from birth through age 21 through the creation and implementation of community policies and initiatives that support young people and their families.
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The Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners is authorized to execute the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Certification on behalf of Forsyth County.
First Name | Last Name | Position | Start Term | End Term |
Al-Wadood Salam | Jabbar | At Large | 06/29/2023 | 06/30/2025 |
Andrew | Keever | Juvenile Defense Attorney | 06/29/2023 | 06/30/2025 |
Christa | Smith | Director of the Department of Social Services | 03/21/2024 | 06/30/2026 |
Clinton | Wilson | At Large | 06/29/2023 | 06/30/2025 |
Cynthia | Collins | At Large | 06/29/2023 | 06/30/2025 |
Dan | Emerson | Chief Court Counselor or Designee | 06/27/2024 | 06/30/2026 |
Denise | Price | County Manager or Designee | 06/27/2024 | 06/30/2026 |
Denise | Hartsfield | At Large | 06/29/2023 | 06/30/2025 |
Fabby | Williams | School Superintendent or Designee | 06/27/2024 | 06/30/2026 |
George | Banks | Member of Faith Community | 09/21/2023 | 06/30/2025 |
Iesha | Carter | Staff Member | ||
Jack | Monell | At Large | 06/29/2023 | 06/30/2025 |
Jackie | Copeland | LME/MCO Director or designee | 06/27/2024 | 06/30/2025 |
Jalissa | Truesdale | Representative of United Way or Other Nonprofit Agency | 03/21/2024 | 06/30/2026 |
Jane | Garrity | District Attorney or Designee | 09/19/2024 | 06/30/2026 |
Jennifer | Dobey | Chief of Police | 06/27/2024 | 06/30/2026 |
Joshua | Swift | Local Health Director or Designee | 06/27/2024 | 06/30/2026 |
Keith | Brown | member of the public representing the interests of families of at-risk juveniles | 06/27/2024 | 06/30/2026 |
Lori | Edwards | At Large | 06/29/2023 | 06/30/2025 |
Neisser | Bent-Saavedra | Person Under the Age of 21 | 12/21/2023 | 06/30/2025 |
Phoua | Martin | Representative of Local Parks | 06/29/2023 | 06/30/2025 |
Richard (Rick) | Ammons | Sheriff or Designee | 06/27/2024 | 06/30/2026 |
Sharon | Singletary | Member of Business Community | 09/21/2023 | 06/30/2025 |
Shatarra | Smith | At Large | 06/29/2023 | 06/30/2025 |
Sonja | Long-Williams | Substance Abuse Professional | 12/21/2023 | 06/30/2025 |
Ted | Kazakos | Chief District Court Judge | 06/27/2024 | 06/30/2026 |
Tonya | McDaniel | County Commissioner |
Regular meetings occur in February, April, June, October and December. Meetings are held at the Forsyth County Government Center.