Winston Salem, NC 27101
Phone: 336-703-3100
Fax: 336-748-3292
The term “public swimming pool” means an artificial body of water used by the public for swimming, diving, wading, recreation or therapy. The term includes municipal, school, hotel, motel, apartment, athletic clubs, condos and other public pools and spas. It does NOT mean a private pool serving a single family dwelling and used by the residents and their guests.
We, as registered environmental health specialists, inspect public swimming pools, spas and wading pools multiple times per year depending on the specific operation permit. There are approximately 350 public pools in Forsyth County. During the inspection we check water quality, life saving equipment, suction hazards, pool maintenance aspects, pool premises, equipment rooms and dressing and sanitary facilities.
If you are planning to construct a new pool it will be necessary for you to submit a complete plan, designed by an engineer or architect with a professional seal and a plan review fee. Once submitted, the plan will be reviewed by an Environmental Health Specialist (EHS). Once the plan has been approved an approval letter will be issued and periodic construction and piping inspections will be performed. When the EHS verifies that the pool is constructed in accordance with the rules and the approved plan a Public Swimming Pool Operation Permit will be issued.
To receive your Public Swimming Pool Operation Permit you must submit an application and relevant fee. Public swimming pool permits are renewable annually and all existing public swimming pools must complete and pass a pre-opening inspection prior to receiving the operation permit for that year. An EHS will visit the establishment throughout the year for additional compliance inspections. Please remember that a Certified Pool Operator (CPO) must be available and responsible for the swimming pool for the duration of the specific permit. Again, all Public Swimming Pools require annual renewal applications and relevant renewal fees.
Download the Public Swimming Pool Plan Review Application here.
Please keep in mind that ALL submerged suction outlets other than vacuum ports shall be protected by anti-entrapment cover/grates in compliance with ASME/ANSI A112.19.8-2007 Suction Fittings for use in Swimming Pools, Wading Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs. All submerged suction fittings shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Prior to the issuance of operation permits, owners of all public swimming pools shall provide documentation to the Department to verify suction outlet safety compliance. This documentation shall include the maximum possible flow rate for each pump suction system; that cover/grates meeting ASME/ANSI A112.19.8-2007 are installed in compliance with manufacturer’s installation instructions; and that drain sumps meet dimensional requirements. The Pool Drain Safety Compliance Data sheet can meet the documentation requirement when completed accurately.
Be aware that the drain covers installed in your swimming pool have a “life”, in years, stamped on the cover and you must be responsible for replacing the cover at the appropriate time.
We must maintain current documentation for your pool to meet Federal Drain Safety Laws. Please contact us if ANY changes are made to your circulation or pumping systems so we can help you maintain accurate documentation for compliance.
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