Winston Salem, NC 27101
Phone: 336-703-3100
Fax: 336-748-3292
About 75% of houses and apartments built before 1978 contain lead-based paint, which is the leading cause of lead poisoning.
Homeowners who live in their own home may conduct paint stabilization (painting over existing paint) and/or renovations without being a certified professional. Homeowners conducting do-it-yourself projects can create large amounts of lead dust and should take precautions not to expose themselves, their family, their neighbors, their home or their neighbors’ homes to lead dust and debris which can cause elevated blood lead levels.
Homeowners should always:
Homeowners should Never:
Improperly removing, painting or repairing lead-based paint can increase the danger to your family.
When properly managed and maintained, lead-based paint poses little risk. Chipping, peeling or cracking lead-based paint needs immediate attention. If you rent, talk to your landlord about having a certified professional properly repair these areas.
Federal law requires that individuals receive a pamphlet from the EPA called “Protect your family from Lead in Your Home” English Version/Spanish Version before renting or buying houses or apartments built before 1978.
Landlords are required to disclose known information on lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards before leases take effect. This may only be known if the owner or landlord had a lead-based paint inspection conducted by a certified professional. The lease must include a disclosure form as to whether lead-based paint is known or unknown to be present.
Sellers are required to disclose known information on lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards before selling a house. This may only be known if the owner or landlord had a lead-based paint inspection conducted by a certified professional. Sales and contracts must include a disclosure form as to whether lead-based paint is known or unknown to be present. Buyers have up to 10 days to have a lead-based paint inspection of the home by a certified professional, at the cost to the potential buyer.
Anyone renovating houses or apartments built before 1978 must be a certified professional and provide the owners or tenants with a pamphlet from the EPA called “Lead Safe Guide to Renovate Right”.
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