The Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office holds public auctions after property has been seized due to Writs of Execution, Civil Orders from the courts or Tax Warrants issued by Forsyth County or the North Carolina Department of Revenue. These sales may include real or personal property. These auctions are normally held at the Forsyth County Property Control Lot located at 1202 Fairchild Road in Winston-Salem for personal property or vehicles seized and at the Forsyth County Hall of Justice at 200 North Main Street in Winston-Salem for real property sales. All sales are made for cash per North Carolina General Statutes at the time of the sale. Cashier’s checks and Money Orders are acceptable (no personal checks allowed). Checks must be made payable to the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office.

Personal Property or Vehicles Seized
Forsyth County Property Control Lot
3290 N. Liberty Street
Winston Salem, NC

Real Property Sales
Forsyth County Courthouse
175 N. Chestnut Street
Winston Salem, NC

The Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office makes no guarantee or warranty regarding any personal or real property being sold at these auctions. Therefore BUYER BEWARE all property is sold AS IS, WHERE IS. It is strictly up to the potential bidders to research any mortgages, liens, or encumbrances attached to any real or personal property being sold.

Highest bidder must be ready to submit payment immediately after each item is sold.

Scheduled Auctions

Recently Held Auctions (Last 30 Days)